2018 CrossFitters of the Year

By shannon
In November 15, 2018

As the year comes to a close, the coaches and staff of Ruination CrossFit would like you, the community,
to not only reflect on your training journey in 2018 but to look at those around you and their journey as well.

We are asking you, the amazing community who makes Ruination CrossFit the family that it is,
to vote for 1 man and 1 woman who you feel is the CrossFitter of the Year.

Who is the most consistent in their training?

Who has shown the most personal gains?

Who has been the most helpful and encouraging to others?

Who is the member you would most want to WOD with?

Who has the best attitude towards CrossFit?

Why are we doing this?  First, we feel that it is a great exercise for you to do to really look at members in a different way!  Who embodies the positive side of CrossFit?  Who goes out of their way for fellow members of The Nation?  We’re not looking for the person with the best Fran time, or the highest CrossFit Total.  This should be someone you look up to as just having that great attitude and dedication that deserves recognition.

Know that at Ruination CrossFit, we salute each and every one of you that puts your foot in the door to conquer your fears and step outside of your comfort zone to move closer to your goals toward being the healthiest YOU!

There will be a ballot box on the kiosk desk starting today for you to cast your votes.
The man and woman with the highest votes will be recognized out our Holiday Party on December 14th.

2013’s CrossFitters of the Year:  Glen Alis and Tara Titus

2014’s CrossFitters of the Year:  Max Fournier and Erin Ludwig

2015’s CrossFitters of the Year:  Eric Ison and Lauren Cunningham

2016’s CrossFitters of the Year:  David Quijano and Erica Darensbourg

2017’s CrossFitters of the Year:  Dale Prouty and Andrea Yaffee

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