Cupid’s Massacre 2018

By paul
In December 9, 2017

What: Ruination Crossfit’s 6th annual co-ed couples competition.

When: February 3rd, 2018

Where: Ruination Crossfit, 23001 Del Lago Drive #B2, Laguna Hills, Ca 92653

Cost: $120 per team if registered before January 1, 2018. $150 per team after January 1st.

Limit: 48 teams total. This event will sell out!

Details: 3 Crossfit style workouts, each team is one guy and one girl. There are two divisions, Scaled and Rx.

Waiver: RCF Cupid’s 2018 waiver (If you are not an RCF member, and you have never worked out at Ruination, please fill out a waiver and bring it with you on competition day.)



The Workouts…..


Workout #1 “White Light” 

50 Cal bike & row (partners can switch a max of 1 time at point)
40 Muscle Up
30 Power Snatch 155#/105#
20 Burpee Box Jump 30″/24″
100 Wall Ball 20#/14#

50 Cal bike and row (partners can switch a max of 1 time at point)
40 Pull ups
30 Power Snatch 95#/65#
20 Burpee Box Jump 24″/20″
100 Wall Ball 14#/10#

Workout Notes: One person works at a time (except row/bike part), both partners must do at least 10 Muscle Ups/Pull ups, break them up however you like. 


Workout #2 “Deads N Roses”

21 Partner Deadlifts 410#
20′ Handstand walk
42 Handstand Push Ups
15 Partner Deadlifts 410#
20′ Handstand walk
30 Handstand Push Ups
9 Partner Deadlifts 410 #
20′ Handstand walk
18 Handstand Push Ups

21 Partner Deadlifts 270#
6 Wall Walks
42 Handstand Push Ups with a 4″ riser
15 Partner Deadlifts 270#
6 Wall Walks
30 Handstand Push Ups with a 4″ riser
9 Partner Deadlifts 270#
6 Wall Walks
18 Handstand Push Ups with a 4″ riser


Workout Notes: 

Rx: Partners must perform each handstand walk, one person working at a time. Partners must perform 42-30-18 HSPU broken up however, one person working at a time. 

Scaled: Partners must perform 3 wall walks each, one person working at a time. Partners must perform 42-30-18 HSPU broken up however, one person working at a time. 


Workout #3 “Nail in the Coffin”

8 min AMRAP
10 GHD Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
*Alternating rounds

-Rest 1 minute-


6 shared minutes for both to establish:
1RM Hang Clean+Front Squat+Shoulder to Overhead

8 minute AMRAP
10 Toes through Ring
30 Double Unders
*Alternating rounds

-Rest 1 minute-


6 shared minutes for both to establish:
1RM Hang Clean +Front Squat+Shoulder to Overhead


Workout Notes: For the lift, only one athlete may work at a time. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Cupids 2018 Heat List


RX Division

Scaled Division

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