Monday February 4th 2013
Rowing beauties WOD Snatch Prep…. A. “Goat” Skill work – This is the last week we will be plugging in the “Goat” skill work into our weekly programming. After five weeks of consistent practice hopefully your weakness is now a strength, or at least less of a weakness. B. Burgner warm-up X 3 reps (45#/35#) 1) Down & up 2) Down & up + Elbows high & outside 3)... -
Saturday February 2nd 2013
WOD “Pump Fit” A.K.A Cardio Blaster – Playing with the programming for tomorrows WOD. I envision a class in the future that is based around techno music, lighter and less technical movements, and a non-stop heart pumping workout. Think Crossfit, slash Billy Blanks, slash get you ripped up bodybuilder workout. So that being said, here is tomorrow workout…. Ill also note that we missed the 1st of the month... -
Friday February 1st 2013
Matt & Natalie WOD A. “Goat” Skill work Pick one of the following skill sets and practice or complete for 15 minutes 1) For time: 15-12-9 reps of Pull up (this can be any variation of a pull-up, pick a variation which you haven’t done in a while) 2) Ascending/descending ladder of double under reps Rx = 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 and back down….. Mod. = 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 and back down….. 3) OTM... -
Thursday January 31st 2013
Jason WOD A. 3 Rounds (not for time) 2 Rope climbs or rope pull-ups rest 30 seconds 4 Bar Muscle up or 6 strict pull-up (chest to bar) rest 30 seconds 12 Russian kettle-bell swings (heavy) rest 30 seconds 30 second/each – side plank rest 30 seconds B. Four Rounds of each couplet in “Tabata” interval format (20 sec. on/ 10 sec. off). Alternate between the two exercises. Each... -
Wednesday January 30th 2013
Steven WOD A. “Goat” Skill work – For 15 minutes practice your “Goat” of choice. Progressions are provided, follow closely and remember ask a coach if you have questions or if you feel like your not making progress. B. 2012 Crossfit Games Regionals WOD # 2 (17:00 min cap) 2000 Meter row 50 Pistols 30 Hang power cleans (225/155) Paul 16:50 Taylor 13:59 – Scaling will be posted in... -
Tuesday January 29th 2013
Jeff Haynes WOD A. In 15 Minutes build to a heavy single hang (below knee) squat snatch + Overhead squat – The point of this exercise is to reinforce proper mechanics from the hang position. Work on forcing the knees back, staying on your heel and keeping your chest over the bar for as long as possible B. Crossfit Games Open WOD 11.4 10 Minute AMRAP of: 60... -
Monday January 28th 2013
Crabbe WOD A. “Goat” Skill work – We’re going to change the goat work up a bit today. Choose between one of the following skill sets: 1. OTM X 15 Min 10-30 Double unders – Go with a rep amount your able to perform unbroken or within two sets 2. OTM X 15 Min 1-3 Muscle up, muscle up transition drill or attempts – Work transition at a challenging...