Wednesday August 16th 2017
Worm WOD from the 2015 Ruination Pentathlon WOD movements: Double unders Overhead squat Rope climbs 2017 Ruination Pentathlon WOD #3 For time: 30 “Worm” clean and jerk * Teams will perform 6 reps at the 10yd, 20yd, 30yd, 20yd, & 10yd lines * Score is total time after team crosses goal line * 5 minute time cap -
Tuesday August 15th 2017
For the next six weeks we will be working a kipping/butterfly pull up and muscle up progression into our group classes. -
Monday August 14th 2017
Early days of Ruination Crossfit, circa August 2012… WOD Movements: The hang power clean Form Vs. Intensity -
Sunday August 13th 2017
Rob and Krista hitting last weeks deadlift triples. This week we will move to singles on all three lifts, the back squat, shoulder press and the deadlift. WOD Movements: Rowing – Body position – Back Angle – Technique and fault fixes -
Saturday August 12th 2017
Post WOD feels with Ruination Crossfit coaches Gore and Alexa WOD movements: The Clean and Jerk 2017 Ruination Crossfit Pentathlon WOD #1 For time: 400 meter run 5 synchronized burpee (performed at the 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 yard lines) 400 meter run – Performed in pairs, each pair will start start once the pair in front of them has passed the 200 meter mark... -
Friday August 11th 2017
Trevor Brooks WOD Movements: Wall ball shot Ring dip -