
By paul
In August 30, 2012

Another week has come and gone for Ruination Crossfit. This week will wrap up five weeks of outdoor park WODs. Although the situation has not been the most ideal, we are making it happen and helping our members increase their fitness. A huge thanks to everyone for sticking with us, its been a fun change of pace.

Friday August 31st 2012

6 & 7 AM (Old home depot Expo design center) – Located off of Greenfield & Rancho Niguel



Part A.

3 min AMRAP of Push Ups;

Every 20 reps, perform 5 burpees.

Be a strict as possible on your range of motion and maintaining a tight mid-line


Part B.

For time:

12 Deadlifts (315/225)

40 Wall Balls (20/14)

9 Deadlifts

30 Wall Balls

6 Deadlifts

20 Wall Balls

3 Deadlifts

10 Wall Balls

Score will be total number of push-ups completed and time for the met-con


The 7 am meeting BOB for the first time

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