Whole Life Challenge FALL 2014

By shannon
In August 25, 2014


Are you ready for a change?

Join Ruination CrossFit for an 8-week lifestyle revolution!

Ruination CrossFit has started a team to join thousands of people around the world on September 13th in an 8-week “game-changing lifestyle revolution”.

The Whole Life Challenge is the 56-day online game that allows you to affect lasting change in your life.  It focuses you on the key areas of your life that produce real, life long changes.  Playing together with your friends and family in a fun and motivating daily game, you’ll create new healthy habits that last long after it ends.

How to Play:

1)  Register to play here for $79 (extra money goes to prizes!)
We register for you and will send you login for the WLC website.

2)  Come to the Whole Life kick-off on Saturday, September 13th:

  •         – 10am-12pm
  •         – Before photos
  •         – Weigh-in and Body Fat %
  •         – Baseline workout
  •         – Tutorial of the WLC online challenge

3)  Pick a Challenge Level:  Advanced, Intermediate or Beginner

4)  Follow the Whole Life 7 Daily Habits for 56 days:

  •         – Eat WLC-compliant food based on your challenge level
  •         – Exercise at least 10 minutes each day
  •         – Stretch at least 10 minutes each day
  •         – Drink 1/3 of your body weight in oz each day
  •         – Supplement of your choice (Fish Oil, Vitamin D, etc)
  •         – Live the WLC weekly lifestyle practice
  •         – Reflect at the end of each day and record your progress

5)  Record your scores every night on the WLC website

The finale will be on Saturday, November 8th and will consist of after pictures, after measurements, the baseline workout and PRIZES!  Prizes will be determined by the points you accumulate when logging your success on the WLC website.

The winner of your team is the player with the lowest combined ranking based on the combination of three weighted rankings:

  •       – Total Daily Points will account for 50% of your final ranking.
  •       – Workout Improvement will account for 25% of your final ranking.
  •       – Measurement Improvement will account for 25% of your final ranking.

Ruination will award prizes to the top 3 males and top 3 females.  The more people who participate, the better the prizes will be!

Questions?  Email Shannon at 

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Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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