Wednesday January 9th 2012

By paul
In January 8, 2013

T-Bone holding it down at open gym


A. Build to a max effort 2 rep Dead-lift standing on elevated platform @ 3″ (35# yellow plate)
– This exercise is going to be very different for most of you. Be smart, build up slowly and listen to your body if its telling you to call it. Getting set up/warmed up for this lift takes extra mobility work and stretching in the posterior chain. Show up early if you tend to need more time getting loose.

B. 3 rounds for time of:
1 Squat snatch (155/105)
3 Pull-up (weighted 45#/25#)
5 Push jerk (155/105)
7 Wall ball (2fers 20#/14#)
9 Box jump (30″/24″)

3 min/ recovery row (slow and hopefully restorative)
2 min/each – super squat sequence (make it feel uncomfortable)
2 min/each – couch stretch
30 Straddle sit-up

Weekly Member challenge # 4
10 Minute max calories on the Airdyne

Top Score:
Jon Rosenberg 159 calories
Julie Bodine 123 calories

Competitor WOD (team)
Scheduled Rest Day or 7K recovery run @ 70%
Are you spending at least 20-30 mins a day 3 times a week working on mobility and getting into better positions (squats, set up for cleans, snatches and dead-lifts, going overhead and running)? If you are not, I highly recommend making yourself familiar with this website. Like, very familiar!

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