Upcoming Competitions

By shannon
In October 2, 2013


There are so many great CrossFit competitions coming up, I thought I’d list them out for you in one place!  Represent the Nation and have fun by competing!

Strength for Strength Competition

Use your strength and change a life!  This competition is raising money and awareness for Saving Innocence:  to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children and restore the cultural values of innocence and human worth.

WHERE:  CrossFit Eternity (map)

WHEN:  Saturday, November 2nd at 8am

DETAILS:  Team Competition (same sex teams); Rx and Fun Divisions; 3 WODs + Final Event

COST:  $60/team.  Register here.

Battle of the Boxes

Kinnick’s Battle of the Boxes is coming out with an “Unknown Edition”.  Uh oh.

WHERE:  CrossFit Kinnick (map)

WHEN:  Saturday, November 9th

DETAILS:  Team Competition (2 men/2 women from same affiliate).  Intermediate and Advanced Division.  Visit their website for more information as they post it.

COST:  $240/team.  Registration opens October 9th at 5pm

State of the Nation In-House Competition

Put your skills to the test and go up against your classmates!

WHERE:  Ruination CrossFit (Aliso Viejo location)

WHEN:  Saturday, November 16th at 8am

DETAILS:  Individual Competition; Beginner, Intermediate, and Rx Divisions.  More details coming!

COST:  $20/person.  Registration begins October 11th.

NLI Battleground Series III Competition

Final in the series for the Legendary Competitor competition.  You did not need to compete in the previous competitions of this series to compete in this one.

WHERE:  Orange County TBD (map)

WHEN:  Saturday, December 14th

DETAILS:  Visit the Legendary Competitor website for more details as they are release, but SIGN UP NOW if you are interested as all the other competitions in this series have sold out.

COST:  $90/person.  Register here.

Escape from LA Team Competition

Last year was the LA Battle of the Boxes…this year we’re escaping from LA!

WHERE:  LA Convention CenterFit Expo (map)

WHEN:  Saturday, January 25th

DETAILS:  Team Competition (2 men/2 women).  Intermediate and Advanced Division.  Visit their website for more information as they post it.


AS ALWAYS…Let us know if you are competing in any events, competitions or races so we can support you!

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