Tuesday May 14th 2013

By paul
In May 13, 2013
Warm up

Warm up


A. 800 Meter run
3 sets
10 Scapula push-up
15 Push-up
20 Pull-up
5 Min mobility and foam roll

Skill work
Practice linking toes to bar together or try and get your first one

B. Crossfit Games Regional WOD #6
100 Double unders
40 Toes to bar
30 Shoulder to overhead w/axel bar (160/110)
90′ Walking lunge w/ barbell in front rack (160/110)


10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Unbroken Double unders

The Primer…
“Pull-up complex”
5 strict pull-up, rest 10 sec
5 Chest to bar, rest 10 sec
5 Chin over bar, rest 1 min

The Grind…
400 Meter run
15 Tire flips
400 Meter run
35 Kettle-bell swings (70/53)
400 Meter run
30 Ring dips
400 Meter run
30 Axel bar shoulder to overhead (140/90)
400 Meter run
20  Burpee box jump over (30/24)

The Pack…
30 sec extended plank
30 sec plank jack
30 sec extended plank
30 sec rest
x 2

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