Tuesday January 8th 2012

By paul
In January 7, 2013

Bri using her hips to get the heavy ball up and over her shoulder


A. Every 30 seconds X 5 mins
Alternate between:
3-8 Ring dips
10-30 Double unders

B. Build to a 3 rep max effort weighted pull-up. If still on a band perform 7 sets of 3 dead-hangs on the most challenging band possible. Rest :90-2:00 min between efforts.

C. 5 Rounds of:
500 Meter row/on the 3:00
15 Handstand push up/on the 2:00
5 Muscle up/on the 1:00

– The goal is to complete each movement as fast as possible giving yourself as much rest as possible before the start of the next exercise. If you fail to complete in the time, complete the reps then rest the remaining minute in which you spilled into. If you complete the workout as written with no missed rounds the timer should read 30:00. Keep track of 500 meter split times and any scaling done.

Hold pancake splits/2 Mins
Hold middle splits/2 Mins
MWOD (Mobility WOD) Ankle distraction with band/2 Min each side

Weekly Member challenge # 4
10 Minute max calories on the Airdyne

Top Score:
Jon Rosenberg 159 calories

Competitors WOD (Team)
Click here for todays programming

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