Tuesday February 26th 2013

By paul
In February 25, 2013


The early days of Ruination Crossfit


Run 400 Meters
5 min – Joint mobility (leg swings, arm rotations, trunk circles + static stretches)
3 -5 sets of:
40 yard resisted sprints
rest 90 sec.

A. 3 Rounds (not for time)
12 Kettle-bell snatch (pick a weight which you can perform the movement correctly)
15 GHD sit-up
3 Box jumps (build up to a height which challenges you for 3 reps)

Practice or learn bar and ring pull overs.
– Coaches will show progressions and scaled variations for movements

B. 7 Rounds for time
10 Dead-lift (155/110)
7 Bar facing burpee

PumpFit (10:00 am)

Intro… (12:00 min)
50 Burpee
– At top of the minute perform 10 Double unders
25 Box jump (24″)
– At top of the minute perform 7 Kettle-bell swing

rest 1 min

The Primer…
4 Rounds of
4 minute AMRAP (rest 1 min B/T rounds)
Buy in: 400 Meter run
– In remaining time of rd. one complete 75/55# snatches
– In remaining time of rd. two complete 75/55# front squat
– In remaining time of rd three complete 75/55# push press
– In remaining time of rd. four complete 75/55# sumo dead-lift high pull

The Grind…
In teams of three complete a 5 min AMRAP of each exercise:
Row (Calories)
rest 1 min
Airdyne (Calories)

rest 1 min

The Pack…
Every :30 sec for 5 minutes, alternate between:
15 Hollow rocks
:20 sec plank

Weekly Member Challenge # 11
2 min Max reps 20″ box jumps
– Hip and knees must come to full extension while on the box. Score is total number of reps.

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