Tuesday February 12th 2013
Nadim and Tonia both nailing a PR on their one rep back squat
5 Minutes – Ladder drills + Joint mobility
7 Minutes – Banded MWODs
3 – 5 Minutes – Split jerk Skill work
A. Build to a max effort close grip behind the neck split jerk + Split jerk
– Pull bar from rack in the behind the neck position. Perform 1 BTN split jerk, then lower the bar too the front rack position and perform 1 Split jerk. Build up over the course of 7-9 sets
B. “Jeremy”
21-15-9 reps of
Overhead squats (95/65)
Competitor WOD (team)
A. Complex
Front squat + Push jerk + Front squat + Split jerk
– Take from rack, No thruster, work up to heavy set
B. For time:
20 clean and jerks (155/105
1000 Meter row
20 clean and jerks (155/105)
C. Airdyne
Max calories in 2 mins. All out!
Weekly Member Challenge #9
Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats- Perform 8 rounds of :20 seconds of squats followed by :10 seconds of rest. During the :10 second rest period, rest at the bottom of the squat. Score is total number of squats.