Thursday May 16th 2013

By paul
In May 15, 2013


Reminder!! The gym will be closed from Friday 5/17 through Sunday 5/19. Check the blog for “Road Dawg” WODs and possible open gym times.


Run 400 Meters
Head to toe Joint mobility X 7 – 10 each

Brief WOD and set up

A. CrossFit Game Regionals WOD #4
For time:
100 Wall ball (20/14)
100 Pull-up (C2B)
100 Pistols
100 Alternating one arm DB snatch (70/53)

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. 1000 Meter row

B. 800 Meter run

C. 100 Cal. Airdyne

Barbell Club (7:00 am)

A. Three position Snatch (High, knee, floor)
– build to a max

B. Clean and Jerk (pause for 3 sec. at knee)
– build to a max

C. Complete the following
3 sets:
12 Back extension (weighted), rest 1 min
3 sets:
10 Strict toes to bar, rest 1 min
3 sets:
60 sec. Plank (weighted), rest 1 min

PumpFit (10:00 am)

1 Mile run
100 Double unders or 300 singles
50 Overhead walking lunge (45/25)

rest 2 min

800 Meter run
50 Double unders or 150 singles
25 Walking lunge (45/25)

rest 1 min

The Primer…
2 Rounds
25 Burpee
25 Air squat
25 Pull-up
25 Box Jumps (24/20)

rest 1 min

The Grind…
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter row, rest 1:1

The Pack…
50 Sit-ups (weighted)
1 min plank (weighted)
1 min L-sit

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