Thursday January 24th 2013

By paul
In January 23, 2013



A. 3 sets of:
5 Tire flips (big/small)
rest 30 seconds
7 Slam ball over shoulder throw (35/25)
rest 30 seconds
9 Glute ham raise or Hip extension (use a spotter)
rest 30 seconds

B. 10 sets of:
2 Dead-lift @50% of 1RM
– Rest 30 sec.
– Body position must be tight and reps must be fast. This exercise is all about recruiting the glutes and hamstrings to move the weight

C. For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Dumbbell manmakers (50/35)
Box jump w/ step down (30/24)
– Manmakers are: Push-up, power clean & jerk


2 Min/each – barbell ankle/calve smash
Deficit Dead-lift MWOD


Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:00 pm)


A. Quickly build to a heavy Muscle Snatch
– Remember no re-bending or dropping under the bar

B. Quickly build to a heavy Snatch Balance
– Work up as heavy as you can without performing a heaving variation

C. Quickly Build to a heavy BTN Snatch Grip push press + Overhead squat
– Be aggressive and stay tight during the dip drive and lockout overhead

D. Build to a 1 rep max Snatch
– Must be received in over head position with arms locked out. No pressing out or re-bending of the elbows is allowed

E. Build to a heavy single rep Back squat|
– Depth is crucial. Hip crease must get below the top of the knee when at the bottom of the squat

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. Row Prep

B. Row for 5:00
rest for 2:30
Row for 6:00
rest for 3:00
Row for 7:00
– Keep track of each interval and the distance covered

C. Core/Abs
3 Sets of 15 GHD sit ups
rest 1 min between sets
5 Sets of 12 V-ups
rest 1 min between sets
:90 sec/each – side plank from elbow
2 min – support position on rings (hollow!!!)

Competitor WOD (team)

A. Front Squat
– quickly work up to a heavy single

B. Snatch Grip Jerk – from behind the neck
– quickly work up to a heavy single

C. Rack Jerk + OHS
– quickly work up to a heavy single

D. Snatch Balance
– quickly work up to a heavy single

E. Squat Snatch
– quickly work up to a heavy single

F. AMRAP 15:00
Rope Climb
10 Hang DB Squat Cleans, 45/30
1 Rope Climb
10 Ring Dips

Weekly Member Challenge # 6

2 Minute ab-mat Sit-up test
– Set up for test is feet together and knees out (butterfly). Standards are the athlete must touch shoulder blades to the floor and then return to a seated position.

Top Scores:
Men – Trevor (117 reps)
Women – Alina (70 reps)
– Only 2 women have taken on this weeks challenge. Whats up ladies?

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