Thursday January 17th 2013

By paul
In January 16, 2013

Business partners and training partners, Mat and Dewey.


A. 3 Rounds (not for time)
15 Hip extension
rest 30 sec.
20 Ab-mat sit-up (slow during eccentric)
rest 30 sec.
30 sec. L-Sit on parallettes or rings (accumulate)

B. 5 Minute AMRAP of
100 Meter sprint
20 Air squat

Rest 5 Minutes
– During rest, accumulate 2 minutes of a weighted plank (25#)

C. 5 Minute AMRAP of
100′ Walking lunge
20 Calorie Row

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. Row Tech work (5 min)
– Work on efficiency and positions of a proper stroke, correct sequence of loading, and power output.

B. For time:
400 Meter sandbag  run/walk/trot (60/40)
400 Meter run
400 Meter sandbag run/walk/trot (60/40)

rest 5 Min

C. 4 sets of:
2 minute Row
rest 2 minutes
– Track meters covered for each set. Goal is consistency

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:00 pm)

A. Snatch pull + hang (above knee ) snatch pull + hang (below knee) snatch (full)
– In 10-15 lifts Build to a heavy single

B. Every 30 sec X 10 Min
1 Snatch (full) @ 80-85% of 1RM

C. Clean pull + hang (above knee) clean pull + hang (below knee) clean (full) + Jerk
– In 8-10 lifts build to a heavy single

D. Every 30 sec X 8 Min
1 Clean & Jerk @ 75-80%

Squat Test – “Is it your ankles or hips?”


If its your ankles, do this…..

If its your hips, do this…..

Weekly Member Challenge # 5

2 Min max reps double under
rest 2 min
2 Min max reps double under
– Complete as many reps as possible in both AMRAPs. Score is total number of reps.

Competitor WOD (team)

A. Back Squat
– Work up to a (1) heavy single. The next set is a (10) ten rep max. The next set is repeating the (1) heavy single. Then 20 and so on. There are no extra sets in between the working sets. You can rest as needed between sets.

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