Thursday December 27th 2012

By paul
In December 26, 2012

A great group shot after the 12 days of Christmas WOD
Thursday December 27th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm

 A. Complete:
3 rounds of
7-10 Pull-up (strict, change grip each round)
15-20 V-up (stay tight and in a  hollow body position)
2:00 kick to freestanding handstand practice (no walking!)

B. 5 Rounds
45 sec of work/15 sec of rest at each station
1) Air squat
2) GHD sit up
3) Ring dip
4) Row (calories)
– One round is complete when all four stations have been performed. Score is total number of reps completed.

1 min/each – Single leg flexion
2 min – olympic wall squat
2 min – anchored T-spine mobilization
1 min/each – posterior chain floss

Barbell Club
Snatch (high blocks) – Build to a heavy single
1 Power clean + 3 Front squat + 1 Jerk – Heavy as possible in up to 7 sets
Snatch grip push press- Build to a heavy single

Weekly Member Challenge # 3
Perform one set of unbroken wall balls.  Standards for the movement are that the athletes hips must get below the top of the knee and the wall ball must physically hit over the ten foot target. The test stops when the ball is dropped or held in the rack position for longer than it takes to perform the squat portion of the exercise. Dig deep on this one!


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