Thursday April 25th 2013

By paul
In April 24, 2013




800 Meter run
X 10 each
Leg swings (front and back/lateral)
Hip circles
Trunk rotations
Windmill (toe touches)
Walk outs
Arm circles (forward and back) X 5

Build up in cleans. Practice efficient starting and receiving positions while working on dropping under the bar with fast elbows.

A. For time:
5 Rounds
5 Power clean (185/135)
15 Wall ball
300 Meter row
15 Toes to bar

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. OTM X 15 minutes
Row 100 Meters
7 Burpee

B. For time:
800 Meter run
400 Meter run
200 Meter run
– Rest is 1:1 for each distance

3-4 sets of
15 GHD sit-up
rest 1 min

Barbell Club (7:00 am)

A. Snatch – build to todays heavy single

B. Snatch X 2 reps @ 90% OTM X 10 min

C. Clean and Jerk – build to todays heavy single

D. 2 Cleans + 1 jerk @ 85-90% OTM X 10 min

PumpFit (10:00 am)

10 Rounds
30 Sec on/10 sec off
Jump rope
Box Jump
Barbell front squat

The Primer…
20 Plank jacks
15 Kettle-bell swing
20 Plank jacks
20 Kettle-bell swing
20 Plank jacks
25 Kettle-bell swing
20 Plank jacks
20 Kettle-bell swings
20 Plank jacks
15 Kettl-bell swings
20 Plank jacks

The Grind…
“Cardio Blast”
For 20 minutes
15 sec. hard as you can
30 sec. recover
High knee
Slam ball
Mtn. Climber

The Pack…
“Crunch Wave”
3 Rounds
15 sec. crunches
15 sec. Bicycle crunches
15 sec. Toe touches
15 sec. Flutter Kicks
15 sec. rest

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