State of the Nation 2014

By shannon
In October 9, 2014

Join Us For Our 2nd Annual In-House Competition…

State of the Nation LOGO

Saturday, November 15th

8:00am – 3:00pm

Open to all members of Ruination CrossFit.  This is an individual competition.

There will be 3 divisions:  Fun – Intermediate – Advanced.  If you are not sure which division you should participate in, please contact a Ruination Coach to discuss.

Registration Begins Saturday, October 11th.  WODs are listed below.  Competition fee is $20/athlete.  We are working on some fun prize packs!

Advanced Division Registration

Intermediate Division Registration

Fun Division Registration

If you cannot compete but wish to still be involved in this amazing event please consider being a judge!  Cool swag, our undying gratitude and the chance to yell “no rep”!

WOD #1 :  “Code Red”
500 meter max effort row
(5 minute time cap, rest remaining time)
3 minute row for max distance

WOD #2:  “The Destruction”
3 minute max reps Wall Balls
1 minute rest
3 minute to establish 1RM clean and jerk
1 minute rest
3 minute max reps Ground to overhead
(135#/95# Adv, 95#/65# Inter, 45#/35# Fun)
WOD #3:  “Victory”
90 Double unders
(Adv = first 50 must be done unbroken, Fun = 270 Singles)
70 Kettle-bell swing (70#/53# Adv, 53#/35# Inter, 44#/26# Fun)
50 Barbell thruster (45#/35#)
30 Burpee box jumps (24″/20″)
10 Muscle ups (Inter = Regular PUs, Fun = Jumping PUs)


Female Scores

Male Scores

Female Scores

Male Scores

Female Scores

Male Scores

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