Some Fresh & New Programming For The Week

By paul
In November 4, 2012

New Ruination Members Dave and Megan with their 16 month old son, welcome to the family you guys.

This week we will be following a program created by coach Harry. You’ll see some classic stuff mixed with a bit of targeting towards the olympic lifts and strength elements. Hope you guys enjoy it.

If you have not completed the “Competitor Try Out WOD #1” and are interested in seeing if you have what it takes to be on the Ruination Regional team, you will have until Wednesday at 7:30 pm to perform the workouts and get them validated by a Ruination Crossfit Coach. WOD # 2 will be released on the Thursday blog at 7:00 pm, SHARP!

The OC Throwdown qualifier WOD # 1 was released on Saturday night. Those who are interested in competiting in this event will need to pre-qualify by performing the WODs and having them validated by a registered affiliate (Ruination Crossfit). We will be performing WOD # 1 in class on Tuesday, and the cutoff to submit your scores for WOD #1 are November 10th. Registration is only $10 and can be done here.

Monday November 5th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm

Warm up/Skill – Sotts press: Build to medium load for 3-5 reps for 3 rounds. Rest as needed B/T sets

A. Snatch grip push press – Build to a heavy set of 2 reps – 7 minutes
Snatch balance –  Build to a heavy set of 2 reps – 7 minutes
Snatch – Build to a heavy double (2 reps, resting no more than 10 sec. B/T lifts) – 7 minutes

B. “Snatch Dash”
5 rounds for total time
4 Power snatch (80% of your heavy double)
8 Box jump (30″/24″)
200 Meter sprint
– Rest 1 minute B/T rounds

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