Saturday September 7, 2019

By shannon
In September 6, 2019
Legendary American weightlifting coach Glenn Pendlay

The weightlifting, CrossFit, and strength and conditioning community lost a legend of a coach. This week Coach Glen Pendlay passed away from cancer at the age of 48. The teachings and technique I’ve learned from him as a weightlifter, and as a coach of the Olympic lifts have mostly come from him. Especially when I first really started to get into the OLY lifts.

Early in my years as a CrossFitter and as a coach, I would watch hours of YouTube videos of his athletes, trying to mimic their technique. Some of you may be familiar with a “Pendlay Row”….well, he is the guy who created it.

He’s also a huge part of why American Olympic weightlifting is what it is to this day. So, for today’s workout we will lift! The snatch and the clean and jerk are on tap for our classes. We’ll drill skill and technique, and hopefully crush PRs for Coach Glen Pendlay. Salute!

– Coach Paul

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