Saturday May 4th 2013

By paul
In May 3, 2013


WOD (Crossfit Team WOD)

A. Burpee “Roxanne”

B. In teams of four complete the following:
250 Double unders
100 Meter buddy carry (each)
200 Kettle-bell swing (53/35)
100 Meter buddy carry (each)
150 Push-up w/ feet on plate
100 Meter buddy carry (each)
100 Toes to bar
100 Meter buddy carry (each)
– With one person working at a time

PumpFit (7:00 am)

5 Rounds
100 Singles + 35 Double unders
12 Ring push ups
24 Jump squats

The Primer…
3-4 Sets
DB “Sevens” curls
rest 20 sec
14 Dips
rest 1 min

4 Sets
“Pull up complex”
3-5 Dead hang pull ups, rest 10 sec
3-5 Chest to bar pull up, rest 10 sec
3-5 Pull-up
rest 1 min

The Grind…
OTM X 7 minute
10 Wall ball
10 Burpee
OTM X 7 minutes
10 DB push press
10 Box Jump overs (24/20)

The Pack…
45 sec. on 15 sec. off
Flutter kicks (plate locked out overhead)
Toes to bar
Med. ball russian twist
Barbell roll outs

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