Saturday May 11th 2013

By paul
In May 10, 2013


Remember every Saturday is a FREE Intro to Crossfit at 8:00 am. Bring anyone you know to come try out Crossfit for the very first time. Good times!

WOD (Team WOD 9:00 am)

A. 100′ Overhead walking lunge (barbell)
200 Meter run
20 Push-up
200 Meter run
20 Push-up
100′ Overhead walking lunge (barbell)

B. Teams of 2-4 people, complete the following for time
4 Rounds of:
100 Double unders
50 Russian Kettle-bell swing (100/70)
25 Burpee pull-up
10 Ground to overhead (185/135)
PumpFit (7:00 am)

Intro… (teams of two, 10:00 min)
Wall ball 150 reps
– One person working at a time ,if team finishes early continue to stretch and warm up during remaining time

The Primer… (15:00 min)
25 burpees,
Run one mile
25 burpees
– Rest during remaining time

The Grind…

3 rounds of:
“Chief” (teams of two, share one barbell)
5 minute AMRAP of:
3  Power clean (135/95)
6 pushups
9 squats
– rest 1 min B/T

200 meter lunge

The Pack…

3 minute sit up test

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