Saturday March 2nd 2013

By paul
In March 1, 2013

“Caleb” Results

Crossfit Team WOD (9:00 am)

“Get There”
In the time format of :40 seconds of work followed by :20 seconds of rest complete the following with a partner,
10 Rounds for time of:
4 Squat cleans (135/95)
5 Burpee

Cash out:
“Partner relay run”
2 Rounds of:
200 Meter run
400 Meter run
– Partner A completes 200 meter then tags Partner B who Completes a 200 meter run, same for the 400 meter

PumpFit (7:00 am)

“Partner Style”

Intro… (12:00 min)
Row 2500 Meters
– Must rotate every 250 M. and perform 10 wall balls after each rotation
In remaining time complete Max rep double unders
– Score is total number of Double unders

rest 1 min

The Primer… (15:00)
100 Ground to overhead (95/65)
100 Lunge steps
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100 Back squat
– One person working at a time
– Every 3 min both team member must complete a 100 Meter  run
– Partner who is not working must hold the top of a push-up

rest 1 min

The Grind…
Alternate with your partner
AMRAP 5 min/:30 sec rest b/t
10 Ball slam (35/25)
30 Slam ball floor press + throw
AMRAP 5 min
10 med-ball plyo push-up
15 Bent over DB fly (burn out)

AMRAP 5 min
10 Arnold press
10 Dips

rest 1 min

The Pack…
Weighted plank (35/25)

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