Saturday June 8th 2013

By paul
In June 7, 2013
2012 Regionals

2012 Regionals


Down and back drills/Joint mobility
Foot work drills/Burgener Warm up

Skill work –
Practice snatching for 15 mins
– This could be trying for a new one rep max or working different skill transfers, positions or drills to help with the snatch

In teams of two, complete the following for time:
50 Cleans (135/95) – one person works at a time
200 Meter suicide run
30 Shoulder to overhead  (135/95) – once the bar comes off of the ground it must stay in the rack position until all reps are complete. If bar touches the ground both athletes must complete a 10 Burpee penalty before continuing.
200 Meter suicide run

PumpFit (7:00 am)

3 sets of the following:
30 sec. skip rope
30 sec. (high knee) skip rope
30 sec. (skiers) skip rope
30 sec. Double unders

The Primer…
12 Min AMRAP
25 Sit-up
20 Jump lunges
15 DB scotty bobs (45/30)

The Grind…
5 Rounds of:
100 yd. single arm overhead KB carry (70/53)
10 box jump (40/30)
30 sec. L-sit (rings, paralettes, matador)
10 DB Thruster (50/35)
100 yd. run

The Pack…
2-3 sets
20 crunches
20 flutter kicks holding med ball locked out overhead (four count)
20 med ball russian twists (four count)

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