Saturday June 15th 2013

By paul
In June 14, 2013


WOD (Crossfit team WOD)

In teams of two, complete the following events –

Event # 1
3 Min Max Rep
155/105# Clean and Jerk
– Athletes must alternate reps

Event # 2
800 Meter relay
– Partner A. runs then tags Partner B.

Event # 3
3 Rounds for time: (each athlete must complete)
30 Double unders
20 Kettle-bell swings
10 Front squat (155/105)
– Athletes will alternate completed rounds

Event # 4
Complete for time:
500 Meter row
50 Wall balls
– Partner A. Rows, while Partner B. wall balls, then switch


500 Meter row
30 Box jump w/ step down (24/20)
50 Push up

The Primer…
400 Meter run
50 Burpee
70 Kettle-bell swings

The Grind…
800 Meter run
70 Wall Balls
90 Double-unders

The Pack…
1000 Meter row
Accumulate 3 minutes in a weighted plank (25/15)

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