Saturday January 5th 2013

By paul
In January 4, 2013


Remember all Saturday classes are now open to friends and family. The 7 & 9 Am being for experienced individuals and the 8 am being for beginners and people looking to get a taste of the Kool-aide. We hope to see some of the friends and family members of Ruination Crossfit.


In teams of 4
For time –
6 rounds each, relay race style:
5 Pull-ups
24/20″ Box jump over
4 Kettle-bell SDHP (88/53)
24/20″ Box jump over
3 Burpee
1 Forward roll
2 D-ball ground to over shoulder (150/80)
24/20″ Box jump over
50′ Sprint back to finish

– This workout is to be performed by one person all the way through, they will then tag the next partner where they will then complete the same thing. Teams rotate until each member of the team has completed 6 rounds. Each round is intended to be a short sprint. Details will be covered tomorrow before the workout starts.

“Intro” to Crossfit WOD

A. General Warm-up and WOD prep. Cover movements, standards, scaling or modifications and breakdown of WOD.

10 Min AMRAP (As many rounds/reps as possible)
200 Meter run
15 Air squats
10 Push press(45/35)
5 Pull-up

– Score is total number of rounds and reps completed during the 10 min period

Competitor WOD 

A.) Power Clean 3RM (TnG)

B.) Push Press

3X3 @80%

3X2 @90%

1XME @65%

*Superset with 5 Weighted Pull Ups
C.) Teams of 2 (guy/girl)

4 RFT:

20 HSPU (each person does 10)

30 Box Jumps (alternating)

40 Cal Row (each person does 20)

100 Double Unders (each person does 25 at a time)
D.) “$$$ Out”

100 MB Sit Ups

*Every 25 sit ups, 60sec. push up plank hold *

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