Saturday January 26th 2013

By paul
In January 25, 2013

Saturday class


A. Teams of four, complete a ten minute AMRAP of:
150 Meter row (sets pace)
Box Jump (24/20)
Ring Push-up
Static Squat hold
– Keep track of reps at each station (box jumps & ring push-ups). Person on the rower sets the pace for the athletes working at each movement . Rotate through for ten minutes.

B. “The Other Total”
1 Rep Max Clean
1 Rep Max Bench Press
1 Rep Max Overhead Squat
– In teams of four, with one bar per team, have each member find their one rep max for each of the lifts. A ten minute cap is in place at each station. Move fast and work as a team.

Competitor WOD (team)

A. Back Squat
20 RM

B. 2 RFT
5 Bar MU
10 Six” Elevated HSPU
15 Box Jumps, 30/24
25 Burpees
5 Power Snatches, 135/95
10 OHS, 135/95
15 Power Cleans, 135/95
20 Jerks, 135/95
25 Deads, 135/95

Get Jacked Challenge (10:00 am)


A. Max Effort 100′ Yoke Carry (10 min)
– Proper technique will be covered prior to the start of this exercise

B. Low Bar Box squat
2 reps @ 55% OTM X 12 min
– Add bands and chains

C. “Blue Collar”
150′ Farmer carry (heavy)
9 D-ball over the shoulder (heavy)
150′ Farmer carry
12 Dead-lift (heavy)
150′ Farmer carry
15 Sand bag lunge steps (60/40)
150′ Farmer carry
18 Axel bar clean and jerk (155/105)

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