Saturday January 12th 2013

By paul
In January 12, 2013

Tonia at The 2012 Crossfit Games So-cal Regionals. Having a blast!

Good luck to one of the most bad ass chics we have at Ruination Crossfit. Tonia Osbourne is competing in one of the biggest “fastest exerciser” events in Southern California. Come at and support her as she shows off what hard work and dedication can do. This is a two day event held at the OC Fairgrounds and usually runs most of the day. Tonia’s heat times will be posted tonight so be sure to check Facebook or go to the OC Throwdown website to get the latest info. Go T!

WOD (7 & 9 am)

Nothing beats a good old “chipper”. Have your way with this one, courtesy of Coach Rich.


For time:
200 Meter run
2 Min plank (25/15)
60 Kettle-bell swings (53/35)
30 Goblet squat (70/53)
400 Meter run
20 Knee to elbow
2 reps of 15′ Rope climb
50 calorie Row
10 Man-maker (50/35)
800 Meter sandbag run (60/40)

– A cap of 40 Mins will be in place. Come ready to work hard, dig deep to mentally push through the last few reps and most importantly have fun. See you there!

Intro Class (8 am)


A. General warm-up going through a dynamic range of motion
400 Meter run + static stretches

B. Learn the Burpee and the wall ball. Cover movement standards and brief the WOD (workout of the day).

C. 10 Minute AMRAP of:
7 Burpee
7 Wall ball (14/10)
200 Meter run
– Move through the 3 exercises as many times as possible over the course of the 10 minutes. Score is total rounds completed.

Competitors WOD (team)

A. Snatch Complex
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch – no dropping.

B. Thruster
1 RM – from a rack.

C. 21-15-9
Squat Snatch, 115/80

rest 15 minutes

D. 5 round for time of:
5 Bench Press – heavy
300m Row
3 min rest between rounds – Keep the same weight for all 5 sets. Post load and time.



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