Saturday February 16th 2013

By paul
In February 15, 2013

2-2-13 NLI Dynasty Series I


CrossFit Team WOD (9:00 am)

In teams of 4 (2 men & 2 women) complete the following for time
400 meter run (relay style)
100 Dead-lift (185/135) – men and women must complete 100 reps
100 Pull-up – men and women must complete 100 reps
2K row (must rotate after 250 M. guy, girl)
100 Shoulder to overhead (95/65) – men and women must complete 100 reps
100 Ring dips (as a team but the 95 & 65# barbell must be held in the locked out position overhead)
400 meter (as a team)

PumpFit (7:00 am)

10 minute AMRAP
800 meter run
Then in remaining time complete:
Max distance farmer carry (heavy as possible)
– every time the weights are set down complete 7 burpee

Right into…

The Primer…

4 min AMRAP
2 Wide grip pull-up
4 Diamond push-up

rest 1 min in an elbow plank
rest 1 min

4 min AMRAP
8 DB strict press (35/20)
8 Bent over rear delt lateral raise (20/15)

rest 1 min in an elbow plank
rest 1 min

4 min AMRAP
10 Barbell step ups (95/65)
15 Double-unders

rest 1 min in an elbow plank
rest 1 min

The Grind…
“Tabata” Intervals (:20 on/:10 off X 8 rounds)

A) Renegade row (50/35)
right into…
B) DB floor press (50/35)
right into…
C) Slam ball clean + throw (35/25)
right into…
D) Overhead ball slams (35/25)

The Pack…

4 Rounds
:45 max rep Flutter kicks/Bicycle crunches/Kneeling band crunches/Knee to elbow
:15 sec rest

Competitor WOD (team)

A. For time:
15 Cleans (185/135)
10/7 Muscle-ups
1000 Meter row

B. 3 Rounds for time
9 Power Snatches, 95/65 – this is essentially a GTO anyhow, in other words muscle snatch is ok.
3 Shuttle Runs of 20m down and back, (this is 120m total every round).

C. Airdyne
Max calories in 1 minute
30 second rest
Max calories in 1 minute
– You must beat your 2 minute score from earlier this week.



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