Saturday April 13th 2013

By paul
In April 12, 2013


Crossfit Team WOD (9:00 am)

Team of two with one person working at a time, complete the following…

For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
DB push press (50/35)
– 30 Double unders after each round
– Each athlete must complete

rest 3 mins

3 rounds
30 Cal. Row
30 KB hang squat clean (53/35)
30 Box Jump (30/24)
– One person works at a time
– Complete the reps anyhow

PumpFit (7:00 am)

“PumpFit Platter”

Run 12oo Meter
45 Burpee
200 Meter walking lunge

The Primer…
5 Rounds
6 Cleans (135/95)
7 Wall walks

rest 3 minutes

OTM X 6 mins
5 Thruster (135/95)

The Grind…

Kettle-bell swing Ladder
10 Min AMRAP
50 KB swing (35/18)
40 KB swing (44/26)
30 KB swing (53/35)
20 KB swing (70/44)
KB swing (88/53)
– Max reps at the final weight with the remaining time
– Run a 200 Meter after each round

The Pack…
50 Plate sit-up (25#)

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