Integrity And Crossfit

By paul
In March 5, 2013

Our good friend and owner of Redwolf Crossfit getting a “no rep” by Crossfit Games head judge Adrian Bozman

As the Crossfit Games Open kicks off we must be reminded about why we do what we do when we are inside the four walls of the gym. Why are we busting our asses through nasty workouts, lifting weights that are heavy and make us feel uncomfortable? Why do we put in hard hours of training? We do this because it is called working out, and you have to have struggle in order to get better. Doing Crossfit gets you in good shape and it’s fun, plan and simple. What is not fun is letting competitive situations or competitions cause you to cheat the reps or the range of motion in order for you to rise to the top and come out with the fastest time. As a coach we do our best to hold our athletes accountable and teach them the importance of not selling themselves short of the “magic” that happens when you truly grind down on a workout and take yourself to that nasty place. Here is a perspective from a fellow Crossfit competitor by the name of Ronnie Teasdale. I’ve know Ronnie for basically as long as I’ve been doing Crossfit and he nails it on the head in this blog post from a few years ago. What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree with Ronnie when he refers to the “Magic” that happens when doing a WOD?

Let’s have fun this year, be humble, and compete with integrity.

The Crossfit Games and The Cheaters
By Ronnie Teasedale

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