Get Involved With An Event

By paul
In October 8, 2012

Jared K. repping out some handstand push ups during Mondays triplet

It’s that time again Nation, Competition time! What better way to test your fitness than to compete with other Crossfitters from around the area? As you will see below, there are plenty of events coming up for us to get involved in, so let’s do this!

Crossfit Competitons
Warrior Soul III – December 8th 2012
Battle Of The Boxes (Oly edition + team WOD) – December 15th 2012
OC Throwdown – January 12th & 13th
Crossfit Winter Ambush (team competition) – December 8th 2012

Other Competitons
Fallen Angel Endurance – November 11th 2012
Empire weightlifting Classic – November 17th 2012
Dana Point Turkey Trot 5K & 10K – November 22nd 2012
The Rite – 6 mile + sandbag run through terrain and obstacles – January 12th 2012

Come support Ruination Crossfit athletes Harry, Jon R. and Jeff H. as they participate in the Legendary Competitor series this weekend at the Next Level Sports Complex. Here is the address and some other details on the event.

Warrior Soul II – October 13th
Location:  Next Level Sports Complex – 12821 Knott Street, Garden Grove, CA
Spectator Cost: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door ($2 goes to charity) Kids 10 and under FREE
Parking: $5 Unlimited in/out (Bring the receipt to entrance gate it will be stamped and you to receive a $5 discount on admission.)
Event #1 – “Heartbreak Ridge”
Time Cap: 8 minutes
Workout Details:
A. 3 minute to Back Squat as much total weight as possible
rest 1 minute
B. Amrap in 2 minutes Bar muscle ups (D1), CTB pullups (D2/masters 40-52), Pullups (D3 Masters 53+)
rest 1 minute
C. Amrap in 1 minute Pistols alternating (D1), Single leg step up (D2/D3/All Masters @53#/35#/)(males 24”/Females 20”)
Jon 8:30am
Jeff 9:50am
Harry 11:10am

Event #2 – “A Soldier’s Story”
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Workout Details:
“Grace” 30 reps of Ground to Shoulder +Shoulder to Overhead followed immediately by
Kb Swings
Jon 1:16pm
Jeff 2:52pm
Harry 4:28pm
Floater event – “Battle of Midway”
Time cap = 6 min
Workout details:
1000m row for time
The rower will be set to count down from 1000m.  Athlete may not
grab handle until start command is given.  Row until the meters
hit zero.  Stay in the rower until the judge collects your

Tuesday October 9th 2012

5:00, 6:00 & 7:00am: Expo Design Center – Off Greenfield & Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel
9:00am –  7 Oak Ridge Circle, Aliso Viejo – Off of Chase and Pacific Park
5:30 & 6:30pm: La Paz Intermediate – Upper Parking Lot off of La Paz Rd.

In teams of three, complete the following for time with one athlete working at a time:1000 Meter sandbag run (60/40) (must be broken up in 200 meter increments)
– Partners not working must keep axel bar off the floor, 20 burpee penalty if dropped
60 Kettle-bell snatch (53/35)

– Partners not working must keep sandbag locked out in the overhead position, 20 burpee penalty if dropped from overhead position. MUST STAY OVERHEAD!
60 Axel-bar dead-lift (165/115)
– Partners not working must keep the axel bar in the front rack position, 20 burpee penalty if dropped from rack position
1000 Meter backward sandbag run (60/40) (must be broken up in 200 meter increments)
– Partners not working must keep axel bar off the floor, 20 burpee penalty if dropped

* Full workout explanation will be covered before the start of the WOD

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