Friday May 24th 2013

By paul
In May 23, 2013


Hero WOD weekend

Tomorrow, Saturday and Monday we will perform a ‘Hero’ WOD in honor of the men and women who have died serving in the United States Armed Forces.

WOD # 1 ‘Lumberjack 20’

For time:
20 reps of deadlift at 275 lb
400 m run
20 reps of kettlebell swing at 72 lb
400 m run
20 reps of overhead squat at 115 lb
400 m run
20 reps of burpee
400 m run
20 reps of pull-up (chest-to-bar)
400 m run
20 reps of 24 in box jump
400 m run
20 reps of dumbbell squat clean at 45 lb
400 m run

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