Friday February 8th 2013

By paul
In February 7, 2013

Robert 475#
Robert 475#


10 Kipping swings
10 OHS w/ pipe
5 pass throughs
leg swings + arm rotation X 10 reps/each (forward/back/lateral)
1 min/each – banded shoulder distraction + external rotation
1 min/each – band assisted front rack + external rotation
1 min/each – super squat sequence

A. “Goat” skill work test out
– Today will be the last day we will be performing our weekly skill homework in class.

Pick one and see if you have improved:

1) Max reps Muscle up in 5 minutes

2) 5 minutes to establish:
Max reps unbroken pull-up
Max reps unbroken Ring dips

3) Max reps Double-ups in 5 minutes

4) Max distance Handstand walk in 5 minutes

B. For time
5 Rounds of:
3 Thruster (155/100)
15 Calorie Row
6 Pull-up

Competitor WOD (team)

A. Open 11.3
Squat Clean Thrusters, 165/110

B. Burner
4 RFT:
15 KBS, 70/53
30 Double Unders

C. 3 Giant Sets of:
Max Reps of GHR
Max Reps of Ring Rows
Max Reps of Band Pull Aparts

Weekly Member Challenge # 8

3 Min AMRAP of
Max reps Overhead squat (65/45)
– Every time the bar is set down or removed from the overhead position athlete must perform 2 bar facing burpee before continuing. Score is total reps completed.

Jenna, Courtney and Koaleen are the only three who have done this one, two more days and we change it up again. Lets see a few more scores posted before weeks. DONT FEAR THE OVERHEAD SQUAT!

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