Friday December 28th 2012

By paul
In December 27, 2012

Kettle-bell cell phones?

Friday December 28th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
5:30 pm


Something a little different with the workout for today. Hope you enjoy.
A. In 15 min build to a Max effort power clean
– Rest is 2-3 min between efforts as the load becomes heavier

B. Every :45 sec X 10 rounds, 3 weighted push-up @ 40-50%
– Base percentage off of load established on 12/18/2012

C. 8 Min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Double DB hang split snatch (35/20)
-Alternate feet after each rep. Score is total reps

Weekly Member Challenge # 3
Perform one set of unbroken wall balls.  Standards for the movement are that the athletes hips must get below the top of the knee and the wall ball must physically hit over the ten foot target. The test stops when the ball is dropped or held in the rack position for longer than it takes to perform the squat portion of the exercise. Dig deep on this one!

 Top Scores
Male – Jeff Haynes – 64 reps
Female – ???

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