Fit 4 Fall Challenge 2019

By shannon
In August 14, 2019

Begins September 14, 2019

Join us for a 6-week Nutrition & Fitness based challenge…with a twist!

The “twist” is you can earn back $$ by accruing points throughout the challenge!

$299 Per Person, Includes:

  • Before & After DEXA Scans with Body-Comp
  • Nutrition Coaching
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Special Saturday Workouts
  • Meal Plans
  • Recipes

PLEASE NOTE: We need at least 15 participants to make this a go so grab a friend and get signed up today!

Earn Up To $120 Back!

You will have a chance to earn back some of the $$$ by accruing points during the challenge. For every point you earn, you’ll receive $2 cash back!

  • 2 pts for each Saturday workout completed (up to 14pts)
  • 1 pt for each class attended during challenge (up to 18 pts)
  • 2 pts for each full % of body fat lost (up to 10 pts)
  • 2 pts for each full # of lean muscle gained (up to 10 pts)
  • 5 pts for doing before & after pictures
  • 1 pt for each social media post** (up to 3 pts)

**Facebook or Instagram (no stories)
Use #nutritionatthenation and #fit4fall and @ruination_crossfit

Other Options:

$199 per Person (no DEXA option)
Includes everything in the challenge except the DEXA Scans (and you can only earn up to $80 back – no points can be earned for BF% loss or muscle gained)

$49 DEXA Scan Only (per person, per scan)
You can choose to not participate in the challenge but still get a DEXA scan on either or both days the mobile unit is on-site at Ruination CrossFit.

Sign Up by August 31, 2019

$299 Challenge Click Here
$199 Challenge Click Here
$49 DEXA Scan Only (for 9/14/19) Click Here
$49 DEXA Scan Only (for 10/26/19) Click Here

Questions? Email

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