CrossFit Terminology 101

By shannon
In May 28, 2013

Here’s a quick reference guide to some CrossFit Terminology as well as links to information/videos about the movements.  You never know when there will be a pop quiz, so study up!!!


AMRAP……………………….. As Many Reps/Rounds as Possible

BP………………………………. Bench Press

BS………………………………. Back Squat

BW…………………………….. Body Weight

C2B…………………………….. Chest to Bar Pull Ups

C&J…………………………….. Clean and Jerk

CFJ…………………………….. CrossFit Journal

CFT…………………………….. CrossFit Total

DL………………………………. Deadlift

DB……………………………… Dumbells

DU…………………………….. Double-Unders

FS………………………………. Front Squat

GHD…………………………… Glute-Ham Developer

HSPU………………………….. Handstand Push-ups

KB………………………………. Kettlebell

K2E…………………………….. Knees to Elbows

METCON…………………….. Metabolic Conditioning

MU…………………………….. Muscle Up

OHS……………………………. Overhead Squats

PC………………………………. Power Clean

PJ………………………………. Push Jerk

PP………………………………. Push Press

PU……………………………… Pull Ups

REPS………………………….. Repetitions

RM…………………………….. Repetition Maximum (I.E. 1RM)

RX+1………………………….. Modify the RX workout by increasing weight/reps

RX……………………………… As Prescribed (Done with No Modifications)

RX-1…………………………… Modify the RX workout by 1 substitution

RX-2…………………………… Modify the RX workout by 2-3 substitution

RX-3…………………………… Modify the RX workout by 3-4 substitution

RX-4…………………………… Modify most if not all of the RX workout

SDHP………………………….. Sumo Deadlift High Pull

SJ……………………………….. Split Jerk

TABATA………………………. 8 Rounds 20 Seconds Work, 10 Seconds Rest

T2B…………………………….. Toes to Bar

WOD………………………….. Workout of the Day

WOD Together……………… Website used for logging workouts and shopping


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