Competitor Try Outs WOD # 2

By paul
In November 7, 2012

Taylor  going head to head with Ryan Fisher and Dave Lipson last year at the 2012 Crossfit Games SoCal Regionals. Will you be there in 2013?

The first week of “Try outs” for our Competitor team was a huge success. We had over 15 athletes get after WOD # 1. The next team “Try outs” are this Saturday November 10th at 9:00 am. Remember that we have 3 more WODs to go and still plan to test everything from Max effort lifts, to advanced gymnastics and long metabolic conditioning domains. Expect to see pistols, pull-ups, rope climbs, handstands, snatches and some classic couplet and triplet CrossFit baseline WODs. Currently in the lead after WOD # 1 we have:

Top Three Men – 
Kris Ulibarri
Johnny Reid
Jared Darensbourg

Top Three Female –
Koaleen Ireland
Megan Malone
Andrea Gregrow

WOD # 2

A. 3 Minutes to establish a Max effort Handstand walk

Rest 3 minutes

B. 5 Minutes to establish a 5 rep max Overhead squat

Rest 3 minutes

C. 7 Minute AMRAP
10 Squat clean thruster (75/55)
20 Toes-to-bar

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