Barbells for Boobs Kick-Off

By shannon
In September 15, 2013


Ruination will once again join
CrossFit Costa Mesa for the first stop
of the Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour!

Where:  CrossFit Costa Mesa (map)BFB-BLACK-02

When:  Friday, September 20th 4pm-10pm

Why:  Barbells for Boobs/Mammograms in Action

PLEASE let us know you’re coming by adding your name to the list at the gym!  Arrive early to get the heat time you want.  Show your support by wearing a Ruination or Barbells for Boobs shirt!

Ruination CrossFit has created a Team Fundraising Page for Barbells for Boobs.  You can also donate by coming to our Ruination CrossFit Charity Golf Tournament in December!


**PLEASE NOTE – Class on Friday, September 20th at 5:45pm will be canceled so that we can take part in this event**



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