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By paul
In August 31, 2012

Time for another beach workout. Being that its Labor Day weekend we might as well make a party of it. This Saturday we will be going to Doheny State Beach. Its located right off the 5 freeway and Dana Point Harbor Drive, check out the map below for parking and our meeting point.

Our workout will start at 8:00 am and just as usual, friends and family members are encouraged to join the workout. See ya there!

Saturday September 1st 2012


Hoover ball!!!


In teams of 2, with one person working at a time, perform a 30 min AMRAP of:

20 Kettle-bell swings (53/35)

20 Burpee

20 Kettle-bell goblet squat (53/35)

500 Meter row


Jeff Haynes elevating the bar during the bear complex. Jeff will be a busy man as he’s competing in multiple events over the next few months. Keep it up the hard work, Jeff!Jeff haynes clean

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