Any Day Now Guys

By paul
In October 21, 2012

The Ruination crew represented well this Saturday at Red Wolf Crossfit. A big thanks to those who came out to support Matt and his new gym.

Be on the lookout for a bit of a change. We are hoping to get into a temporary location this week while we continue our search for the perfect home. Make sure to check the blog and Facebook before you head to the workout just incase we switch locations for your class. Again, we really appreciate you guys being flexible and supportive during this transition.

Look at her go! Congrats to Julie for completing her first Triathlon this weekend.

Monday October 22nd 2012

5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 AM – Expo Design Center – off Greenfield and Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel
5:30 & 6:30 PM – La Paz Intermediate – Upper Parking Lot off La Paz Rd

20 Minute AMRAP of
6 Power cleans (155/105)
12 Walking barbell lunge steps (155/105)
24 Push-up (hand release)

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