Amazing Grace

By shannon
In October 6, 2013


Join Ruination CrossFit for our
Annual Barbells for Boobs “Grace” WOD  

If you missed doing it at the Pink Bra Tour Kick-Off no worries…
you can do it with The Nation!

“Grace” is 30 Clean & Jerks for time (135/95)  Scaling is available.

Friday, October 18th – Aliso Viejo Location

Heats begin at 5pm
Sign up for your heat time at the gym.

**NOTE:  There will be no evening classes at the Laguna Niguel
location on 10/18/13 so that everyone can participate together.

BBQ Potluck After!
Sign up to bring something at the gym.

Barbells for Boobs is a non-profit organization who provides funding to breast centers globally through their Mammograms in Action(r) Grant Program. This program provides screenings for thousands of people who do not qualify for government funding or other charitable resources.  Click here if you would like to donate to their organization.

Questions?  Email Shannon at 

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