Cupid’s Massacre 2017

By mike
In January 3, 2017


What: Ruination CrossFit’s 5th annual co-ed couples competition, Cupid’s Massacre 2017

When: February 18th – Heats begin at 9:00am Cupid’s Massacre 2017 HEAT LIST

Where: Ruination CrossFit
23001 Del Lago Drive #B2
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

How Much: $120 per team if registered before Jan 17th, 2017, $150 per team after Jan 17, 2017

Limit: 48 teams (this event will sell out!)

Details: 3 CrossFit style workouts, each team is 1 guy, 1 girl. There are 2 divisions, RX and Intermediate.

Waiver:  RCF Waiver for Cupid’s Massacre 2017  (if you are not an RCF member and have never worked out at RCF, you can save time at check in by bringing a filled out waiver with you)

Register Now:
RX Division (sold out)
Intermediate Division (sold out)


Questions?  Email us!

The Workouts…

Advanced Division


AMRAP 12 min (alternating rounds)
12 Hang Power Snatch 95/65#
20′ Overhead Plate Lunges 45/25#
12 Burpee to Plate
20′ Overhead Plate Lunges 45/25#

– One person working at a time; separate bar/plate for each athlete.


7 minutes to establish Max Shoulder to Overhead
– Share the 7 minutes, share the bar

then, straight into…

5 minutes to establish Max effort unbroken Muscle Up
– Each athlete gets two attempts
– Score is total of heaviest 2 lifts and the combined total reps from all 4 attempts



63 Thrusters 115/75#
15/12 Cal Bike, 15/12 Cal Row
36 Box Jumps 30/24″ (18 jumps each)
15/12 Cal Bike, 15/12 Cal Row
15/12 Cal Bike, 15/12 Cal Row
36 Power Cleans 205/135# (Alternate Reps)

– Thrusters can be broken up in any way, each team mate must complete at least one rep
– Box Jumps are Men first they do 18, Women second they do remaining 18
– HSPU can be broken up in any way, each team mate must complete at least one rep
– Both teammates must complete calories on bike and calories on row (one rows, the other bikes then they switch)
– Time cap 18 minutes


Intermediate Division


AMRAP 12 min (alternating rounds)
12 Hang Power Snatch 75/55#
20′ Overhead Plate Lunges 25/15#
12 Burpee to Plate
20′ Overhead Plate Lunges 25/15#

– One person working at a time; separate bar/plate for each athlete.


7 minutes to establish Max Shoulder to Overhead
– Share the 7 minutes, share the bar

then, straight into…


5 minutes to establish Max effort unbroken Pull Ups
– Each athlete gets two attempts
– Score is total of heaviest 2 lifts and the combined total reps from all 4 attempts



63 Thrusters 95/65#
12/10 Cal Bike, 12/10 Cal Row
36 Box Jumps 24/20″ (18 jumps each)
12/10 Cal Bike, 12/10 Cal Row
63 HSPU with a 4″ riser
12/10 Cal Bike, 12/10 Cal Row
36 Power Cleans 145/95# (Alternate Reps)

– Thrusters can be broken up in any way, both team mates must complete at least one rep
– Box Jumps are Men first they do 18, Women second they do remaining 18
– HSPU can be broken up in any way, both team mates must complete at least one rep (4″ riser is 1 abmat on top of 25# bumper plate)
– Both teammates must complete calories on bike and calories on row (one rows, the other bikes then they switch)
– Time cap 18 minutes


RX Division

Intermediate Division

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