4-Week Gymnastics Course

By shannon
In December 15, 2016


Join Coach Laura in a 4-week Gymnastics Strength Camp

Learn the skills and build core and upper body strength to take your gymnastics movements to the next level while keeping your body healthy for the long term!

Join Coach Laura for a 4-week gymnastics strength camp that will include mastering the progressions for gymnastic movements, as well as specific training to build strength and stability for long term shoulder health. Each class will meet for 1 hour and include 20 minutes of outside homework to be completed on another day during the week. 

Level 1: Skill progression and strength training for Pull-Ups, Kipping Pull-Ups and Ring Dips

Level 2: Skill progression and strength training for Butterfly Pull-Ups, Muscle Ups and Strict HSPU (must be able to do 3 strict pull ups and 3 strict dips)

Begins January 12th.  Level 1 @ 6pm | Level 2 @ 7pm

$75 for the 4-week camp  – minimum of 4 people for each level
Sign up by for Level 1 or Level 2.  Deadline to register is 1-5-17

Questions?  Email laura@ruinationcrossfit.com

4 Week Back to Basics Gymnastic Class 

  • 15 minutes of specific warm up and evaluation of mobility for movements
  • 30-40 minutes of instruction, including simple ways to continue working movements outside of class
  • 5-10 minutes of cool down/recommendations for drills moving forward


Week 1: Pulling movements

  • Mastering the kip for pull-ups and toes to bar
  • Butterfly technique
  • Take away: Kipping drills, hip flexor strength work, pulling strength work


Week 2:  Pressing Movements

  • Ring Dips
  • Handstand Holds
  • Handstand Push-Ups
  • Take away: Pressing strength work, HS Drills, stability exercises for shoulder health


Week 3: Advanced Push/Pull Movements

  • Bar MU: lat drills, hips to bar drills, turn over
  • Rope Climbs: wrap styles, efficiency and how to decent
  • Handstand Walking
  • Take away: HS Walking Drills, bar MU drills


Week 4: Muscle Ups

  • The False Grip
  • Low Ring Transition
  • Hips to Rings
  • Take away: Drilling all three components and how to build to a mu

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