Body Comp

By shannon
In July 28, 2015

Body Comp

#What are YOU made of?

Find out Saturday August, 8th!  BodyComp will be on-site from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. performing Total Body Composition scans; 5 minutes, head-to-toe, fully clothed, lying comfortably on your back.

Spots are limited.  To RSVP, simply click here


What is DEXA?image004

  • DEXA is a FDA approved, medical-grade system that uses advanced software to employ dual energy xray absorptiometry, mapping, printing your entire body on a pixel-by-pixel basis, generating a comprehensive snapshot of your exact body composition.
  • DEXA is employed by the big boys such as the U.S. Olympic Committee, the NFL, collegiate universities such as UCSD, UCLA & SDSU for athletes, research and development; professional healthcare for healthcare quantitative analysis and preventative medicine.

It’s most applicable to people like you; serious about their health, fitness, physique, performance and nutrition.

Single Scan: $55.00
Payable online when you RSVP.  All purchased scan credits can be used at any BodyComp location.  DEXA typically costs $150+, but that’s not us!

Pre-Scan Preparation:

  • Scanning on an empty stomach is recommended (2 hour fast)
  • Show up 5 – 10 minutes early
  • Wear comfortable clothing (gym clothes preferred, but not required)

What you get:

  • 10 Page Hard & Soft Copy Reports immediately after scan
  • Access to online metric tracking, trending & data visualization (how you rank, visualize metrics, see progress, see health risk factors and more)
  • Free BodyComp account for on-demand, online access to reports
  • One-on-one report review, Q&A with one of BodyComp’s Registered Dietitians / Sports Nutrition Specialists

BCA Report Metrics & Details:

  • Total Body Composition
    • Body Fat %, Total Mass (lbs), Muscle Mass (lbs), Fat Mass (lbs), Bone Mineral Content (BMC – your skeleton), Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), Bone Density, Body Fat Distribution, A/G Ratio, Muscle Balance and more).
  • Regional Body Composition
    • Arms, Legs, Torso, Abdomen & Hip Region
    • Muscle Mass baselines for each region
    • Fat Mass baselines for each region

Questions?  Email or

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