Competitor’s Class 2.0

By mike
In September 9, 2014

At the end of a competition, this is where you want to be…on the podium!

We are excited to announce the new competitors class starting Saturday Oct 4th at 10am. We have made some tweaks which should make the class even better this iteration. Each Saturday we’ll have a 90 min class geared toward CrossFit athletes interested in training for the competitive side of CrossFit.

The purpose of Comp Class is to get athletes better prepared for competitions ranging from local box competitions to regionals and beyond. Regular CrossFit classes are focused on overall physical preparedness, and generally you are only competing with yourself.  In addition to regular classes, Comp Class will better prepare you for every aspect of competing against others.  In the past we’ve published minimum standards that athletes needed to meet for entry into Comp Class.  This year we are simplifying the class requirements.  The only requirement now is that you need to be able to RX all of the programming for the class that day. Women are welcome to attend if they can RX everything except Muscle Ups.  This requirement will allow us to set up the most competitive atmosphere that we can on any given day.

We will be hosting a comp class kickoff seminar on Friday Sept 26th at 6pm.  This seminar will cover:

  • Greater detail about how Comp Class will be setup each week
  • How to utilize the Nation Strong programming during the week to better prepare you for the sport of CrossFit
  • Skill work and mobility that you need to be doing to take care of your body
  • How to train smarter to avoid injuries.

We will conclude the seminar with a workout to give you a taste of what’s to come.  The kickoff seminar is not required to attend Comp Class, but it is a good idea if you are new to the increased workload volume that this type of training represents.

Ready to get started?

Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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