Nation Strong

By shannon
In June 2, 2014

Nation Strong

Nation Strong is a supplemental strength and conditional program geared towards those that wish to compete in the sport of CrossFit. Anyone who competes, wants to get stronger or who is participating in our Level 2 Class on Saturdays would be an ideal candidate for this program.  It is free and open to any Ruination member.

Here’s how it works:

– Each day there will be a blog post for Nation Strong

– The workload will be designed to be done primarily in class; there may be some extra skill work to be done during Open Gym time.  Refer to the schedule for our Open Gym Hours

– Many times, Nation Strong will have a different strength piece than what the class is doing, but you will be able to complete this portion during class.

– You’ll warm up with the class, sub out the class’s skill or strength piece with the Nation Strong piece.

– The class WOD will sometimes be done as is, sometimes Nation Strong will suggest a replacement WOD programmed to be done side by side with class, and sometimes it will be basic conditioning.

– Data is an important part of Nation Strong. It will use lots of percentages so logging is very important if your following this program. You will find all of Nation Strong’s program by following “Ruination’s Nation Strong” program in WODTogether.

If you have any questions about whether you should be following Nation Strong, contact Coach Rich or Coach Paul.

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