Monday June 3rd 2013

By paul
In June 2, 2013
The Pack

The Pack

Our strength program is done which means we will test Crossfit Total on Wednesday of this week. Hopefully we see some people shatter their PRs as we wrap up six weeks of getting strong. Our focus will now shift more into classic Crossfit programming where you will see Helen, Fran, Diane, Cindy and Kelly along with some other nasty couplets and triplets to test and improve your fitness. Have fun!



3 min jump rope + 2 min double unders
Coach’s choice of joint mobility

A. 3 sets (not for time but for skill)
3 – 5 Muscle up (3 Dead hang + 3 dips X 5 sets)
10 Box jump (practice cycling through reps fast while meeting the standards of the movement)
12 Toes to bar

B. “Helen”
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
12 Pull ups

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