Thursday May 30th 2013

By paul
In May 29, 2013
HSPU progression

HSPU progression


400 Meter run
Then 3 sets of:
10 Double russian KB swing (build across)
10 Single arm overhead lunge (build across)
20 Hollow rock (must be perfect)

Skill – Muscle up transitions and handstand holds

A. “Freddy’s Revenge”
5 Rounds for time:
5 Shoulder to overhead (185/125)
10 Burpee
– Shoulder to overhead is pulled out of the rack and can be performed from front rack or behind the neck

Spring Cleaning “24 Day Challenge” Baseline WOD

For time:
1000 Meter row
40 Back squat (95/65)
30 weighted sit ups (20/10)
20 Hand release push-up
10 Pull-ups

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. Long intervals, Run 5:00 min on, 3:00 off X 5 sets (bring a stopwatch if you have one)

B. Cool down/Abs
3 sets of:
20 Med-ball V-up w/ pass (use light ball)
50 Flutter kicks
– rest 1 min

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:30 pm)

The Ruination Barbell Club will be rolling in full force to its first organized “OLY meet”. It will be held on Saturday June 22nd at a location which has yet to be determined. If you are interested in joining the RCF barbell club in June, register here for the meet and get to the olympic lifting sessions as much as possible. See you on the platform!

5 Min row
3 reps X each
down & up
elbows high & outside
muscle snatch
snatch land + OHS
snatch balance (not heaving)
x 2 rounds
5 min mobility

A. Snatch 6 sets of 2 reps OTM @ 70%

B. Clean and Jerk 6 sets of 2 reps OTM @ 70%

C. Front squat
Set # 1 X 5 reps @ 75%
Set # 2 X 3 reps @ 82%
Set # 3 X 1 rep @ 85%
Set # 4 X 1 rep @ 90%
Set # 5 X 1 rep @ 95-100%

PumpFit (10:00 am)

5 rounds: (each for time)
45 Double unders
15 Burpee
rest 1 min

The Primer…
OTM X 10 min
3 DB manmakers (push-up, power clean, press)
15 Double unders

The Grind…
200 Meter run
500 Meter row
rest 1 min
400 Meter run
30 Wall ball (20/14)
15 Hang snatch (95/65)
20 Wall ball
12 Hang snatch
10 Wall ball
9 Hang snatch
400 Meter run
rest 1 min
500 Meter row
200 Meter run

The Pack…
Alternating “Tabata” (20 on/10 off x 8)
hand release push up
hollow rocks

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