Thursday May 23rd

By paul
In May 22, 2013





2 rounds
Run 400 meters
10 PVC pass through
1 x Burgener WU
Overhead mobility and squat mobility

A.  OTM x 5 min
5 OHS (135/95)
Max rep power snatch in remaining time
– Score is total reps

Rest 5 min

B. OTM x 5 min
5 front squat (185/125)
Max rep power clean in remaining time
-score is total reps

Rest 5 min

C. 5 min max calorie row
– score is total calories

Endurance (6:00 am)

A.  10 x 500 meter row, rest 2 min

3 rounds
20 v-up
30 sec. L-sit

Barbell Club (7:00am & 6:30pm)

A. Muscle snatch
– build to a max

B. Snatch balance
– build to a max

C. Snatch
– build to a max

D. Back squat
– build to a max

PumpFit (10:00 am)

Run 800 meter
100 air squat
100 sit ups
Run 800 meter

The Primer…
OTM X 15 Min
7 Kettle-bell swings
7 Wall ball

The Grind… (20 min)
For time:
50 Burpee
50 Plate squats (45/25)
50 Pull-ups
50 DB Push press (45/30)
50 Cal. Row
50′ Walking lunge W/ DB in front rack

The Pack…
Every 30 sec.
3-5 Toes to bar

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